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Egg Collection System
What is Egg Collection System in poultry farm?
It normally is installed based on “ A” type or “ H” type of chicken cage.
Egg belt on bottom mesh of chicken cage accept eggs and rotate simultaneously to the egg collector machine with working table in the ending of every row of chicken cage, workers pick eggs up to egg tray, the other way to collect all eggs from working table is that cross conveyor connects all egg collector ending to transfer eggs directly to egg stock house, full automaticly, no labor. 

Egg collection system contains collection belt system, egg collection machine and cross conveyors system.

1. Egg collector

2. cross conveyors system connect all egg collector

3. Ending to egg stock house

What kinds of poultry farm need Automatic egg collection system ?
Type 1. Chicken capacity plan up to 30,000 or beyond it year by year.
Type 2. Government project or state project, very modernize, large-scale or mechanized poultry farm.

Note: if your personal farm is beyond 20,000 birds in two years development, or the land is not very big and standard, you should have a good consideration, it is uneconomical and high investment relatively, meaning average cost of one chicken increasing. 

If you are interested in other poultry equipment for your farm, please directly click  PRODUCTS


Automatic egg collector with its frame will move based on chicken cage, per row per set, the exact size is as size of chicken cage, for example the width and length of 4 tiers of chicken cage is different from 3 tiers.

Please supply the followed information to get full house drawing, chicken cage layout and equipment layout.
1. Over all drawing of your land or size of planing area of chicken cage and chicken house 
2. Chicken capacity of your starting or one hen house 

Technical parameters
1.The automatic egg collecting equipment including imported equipment ,pick up the egg plant, soft broken egg filtration system, egg and egg belt drive system, the egg front-end collection system, the power distribution and others.
2. Automatic working for 1 rows /1 set
3. Power is 1.5KW and voltage is 380V


Every order before delivery we will install firstly in factory and test it to make sure you get it completely and working smoothly in customers' farm


Vanke Machinery & Equipment Nig Ltd have serviced farmers and distributors since 2010, Any question on your farm or your business of chicken cage and poultry equipment please


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1. Automatic collecting
2. Labor saving
3. High efficiency
4. Low egg breakage rate
5. Simple structure, steady performance
6. Durability and reliability
7. Normally used for 4-8 tier layer cages


Fittings are in parts


1. After installation, text the voltage stability to protect the motor
2. Turn on, look at the egg belt, going at steady speed
3. Look at ending egg collector machine, normal working


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